The Craig Smith Family
(cgsfamily) Web Page
20 Years and still going
On July 11, 2001, Audrey and I celebrated our 20th anniversary. We celebrated in Las Vegas by
renewing our wedding vows. With lots of help from my co-conspirators Lex and Susan,
(and a bunch of frequent flier miles from USAir) we were able to gather a number of
family and friends in Las Vegas all without Audrey know about it. Audrey and I "decided" to
go to Vegas for a little getaway, then on a "whim" I asked her to renew our vows.
When she accepted, everything was in place.
You can see from the pictures that Audrey was quite surprised to see so many people who
are important to us were in a setting so far from home and unexpected. Our event
really was quite a ball!
(Click on thumbnail for larger view)